Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Rant rant rant

I'm sick of it! Sick and tired of all the shit that wasn't supposed to happen. And it wasn't even that bad. I just need to blow it all off. The steam is just building up so just let me burst the balloon with this rant.

Let's start with the guys. Always guys, never girls because girls don't trust me, guys for some reason, do. I don't know why, maybe it's because they need a girl to talk to, but I'm not just talking about 1 guy I've heard venom from, I'm talking about 4 or 5, and considering the fact that most guys dot trust girl at all, that's quite a number.

I really don't mind listening, I do quite enjoy it, and I just listen and make them feel better and I feel like a great friend... Everyone wins, right?

Wrong fucking wrong.

Do you know that the people who listen to everyone's problems probably don't have anyone to turn to? And this may sound contradictory, but I'm impulsive, but I'm also a bottler, secrets, emotions, you name it, I keep to yours truly. The ones that impish out are the least of my worries. Why the heck would I tell you about shit you people can't fucking resolve? Waste of my time and just more gossiping for you people. Thank you very much.

And the impulsiveness? Purely because u act within the spur of the moment, except shopping. Cause I hate shopping. It's just my personality I suppose. Fast fast chop chop get it done.

Well anyway. What I was mad about was my friend. I gr lovely texts from him like "I'm heartbroken blah blah" and when I ask him questions to allow him to clear up
His thoughts, he asks me to fucking leave him alone. So I do. But I gt hurt anyway.

I never really questions why I made such fast friends with guys. I figured that all girls can be great friends with a guy. Maybe it's cause my dad was my main parent in my life.

You watch pornos? No prob dude I can take that, your girlfriend cheated on you and you are dying inside? Yeah it's cool I'll listen. You masturbate? Yeah I know. No disgust here. She's giving you default answers now? Yeah no worries bro maybe she's busy. She nice to you now? Great, all the best, pal. Wait, it may not last forever? I'll be your friend even though your fucktarded acsi friends will tease you.

Addicted to porn? It's ok, spill your horniness out, I ain't gonna tell nobody who you are, I'll try not I puke when you tell me that the shit you wath gets more hardcore by the day.

Girlfriend fucked you over? Tease me in tuition class? Can't tell your acsi friends because they'll tease you and call you a fag? Ask me what to do? I'll take the teasing, I won't even fucking confront the girl even though I know her personally. I'll even tell you why to do to gt her back, you're almost like your schoolmate in the paragraph before the one above.

Life sucks for you and everyone thinks you're a happy camper? I'll listen to your shit filled life and your love life which your mother destroyed, why? Because I was the only person to see past your happy angel exterior and see right through you. Who the fuck you really are. And of course, no one else knows.

The girl you like rejects you? Fine I'll stand in for you and tell how you feel for old times sake, and because you and the girl are my good friends. Can't top thinking about her before you sleep at night? It's ok, I'll teach ou how to forget the bad times with the previous girl, and you know what? It's ok dude, no One else will ever know who you are. You're just like your great SJI senior up there.

And of course, there's just me looking out for the people who trust me. Am I really that un-girl that you trust me so much? Do you even care about how I feel? I care of course, I want to understand, but have all of you taken that for granted?

Trust me, all of you will Only want to come and talk to me when everything has been fucked over and you need a shoulder to cry on, and for me to fix up the carnage that you yourself fucked over, even when I've told you or hinted to you for a million times, porn is good only if you don't get caught... She's brought you nothing but pain... You dont deserve this just walk away... Of course, it doesn't really matter does it?

There's really no need to be careful when you know someone will pick up the glass pieces for ou shattered, even though she knows she'll get hurt in the process.

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